Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Back from vacation

I just returned from a family reunion, and dropping my daughter off with my parents for a week. I had not seen some of my relatives in years, and so they had yet to meet my kid- or see the "new" me. I can not explain the amount of time I spent explaining that the AFO brace I wear, and the cane I use for support was not for a broken leg. Having to retell the story of how I acquired my injury, that it was permanent paralysis on my right side, and yes- I was pregnant when I got the SCI, was something I found myself doing with every third person I talked with. I honestly did not mind, though. A few years ago, when everything was still fresh and new, I would have been more terse and defensive, I think. I hated the fact, back then, that I was different, and I was still mourning the loss of the old me. However, now I have rather embraced and accepted this is the way I am, and learned to adapt. I had a fabulous time, and enjoyed getting to see all of my folks, and introduce my child to her extended family. I was also pleased that this years events were all held in accessible venues. I was not the person who would have had a problem, as one of my uncles is now in a wheelchair due to a stroke, and there were many elderly people there, too.

We ended up driving. I got that timing belt replaced, and we made the 10 hour trek in one day. I always make sure to take an extra Lyrica right before I get in the car, and a pain killer mid way through the journey. Believe me, medication is what makes it possible for me to keep going and travel as extensively as I do. Without it, my behind would just have to sit at home, and that just is not a possibility for me. After nearly dying, I have a new found appreciation and love for life, the world, and people- and I want to experience as much of all three as possible!!! It actually was a fun road trip- thanks to my i-Phone. I downloaded applications that allow me to read news articles, which I would share out load with my husband. My daughter was perfectly happy with rare junk food snacks , like Cheetos (I NEVER buy those), and mind numbing amounts of DVDs. I am grateful that it takes so little to keep her content on such a long drive. That kid did not take one nap- she never does!!! We did stop in Memphis, TN for dinner at Central BBQ. I had the best smoked chicken wings- ever. I also tried DH's ribs, and they were also divine. Evidently, others shared our opinion, because the line was out the door when we left. I am seriously considering having some shipped to me- it honestly was that delicious. I did notice that the bathroom was not equipped with transfer bars, so a person in a chair would have a hard time using the toilet, but I'm unsure of what ADA laws are for small businesses.

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